Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I know its kinda silly but I have this habit of always replying to whoever sent me an email, not email in format or selling cialis that crammed my spam, but email that’s casually made---ok an example is when I was a member of a dating site before, I always received this random email and even if I don’t like the guys I still reply knowing they put an effort to it and its rude not to answer.  I end up closing my account later due to so many unanswered emails.
Ok going back to my silly idea, I just been introduce to twitter and to my surprise people follow me instantaneously, flattered and then my habit kick in, I decided to follow them as well.  So out of the blue I kinda thought of putting a name to my compulsion, TWITTERFLY EFFECT, it’s loosely based on the original idea which is chilling so this is the fun part; I even put a format photo out of it.

The structure is easy;

U --- FOLLOW --- ME

I --- FOLLOW --- U


( damn, I need to get a life, LOL )

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