Wednesday, March 27, 2013



Monday, March 25, 2013


Leave it to FACEBOOK to make your day with POST and SHARE from your friends that either could make you laugh, touch your heart, put on your opinionated cap, set you to an idea or irritate you cause she’s constantly bragging and that’s too much skin sir.
Agree to Disagree that’s the reason why the LIKE button was there, so other than just clicking LIKE or SHARE, I decided to go an extra mile by posting these POST from my FRIENDS and SHARE it to my blog, yah that going the extra mile for me since I’M THE LAZY BLOGGER… enjoy!!!

I’m always looking for funny post from my friends, I love this kid in MOSTER INC.
cant wait for the sequel MONSTER UNIVERSITY

Sunday, March 24, 2013


I know I haven’t had any updates lately, there’s so many reasons like, health my eye hurts sometimes staring too much on the computer, house chores cause I hate living in a dirty place and kinda ironic cause I loathe cleaning, my novena I’m literally participating in two and that takes away two days of my every week and painting as I'm relieving the Monet in me LOL, but from all these excuses it only roots out to one thing I’m LAZY most of the time and UNCOORDINATED if I may add.

But don’t worry guys, things will change from here, I decided to do more updates, interesting or not you’re here because you want to read something so I’m giving you everything in the coming post, not that cause I need to fill each day but for the reason that in every giving days, things happen and those are what I’ll blog about.


Love Your KAPWA,

Friday, March 1, 2013


Having the heart for travelling its apparent that I came to love this show as well, I started loving THE AMAZING RACE from its 14th season when both ASIAN won TAMMY & VICTOR, since then I religiously watch the show.  This year 2013 the show is back and ready to give us a nonstop tour around the world, exhausting for the contestants but pleasing to us watching the places they go to and somewhat masochistically enjoyed their suffering at each task, LOL.

Two episodes has past already since I’m a very reliable blogger, the team started their two legs at FRENCH POLYNESIA, FRANCE in the island of BORA BORA, the first team to bite the dust are the FIREMENMATT & DANIEL (right) when they make a pact with the other two teams and surpass the last task and race to the finish line, they boat sink and cost them the race.
Another water casualty for the TWIN DOCTORSIDRIES & JAMIL (left) who both don’t know how to swim and failed to race with the other teams who knows how to swim, well watching the show for years now I think teams should have one good swimmer, one good driver automatic or stick, one good in direction and lastly one fanatic of the show for familiarity.